

Many Session 0’s Triple posting of this information: https://www.meetup.com/Emerald-City-Pen-Paper-RPG-Alliance/messages/boards/thread/53303632/0/#133084174 https://rpgresourceroundtable.wordpress.com/2021/07/25/arranging-many-session-0s/ UPDATE https://rpgresourceroundtable.wordpress.com/blog/ (has most of my fantasy rpg system neutral / 5e DnD opinions. There’s this place where I advertise too https://www.meetup.com/Emerald-City-Pen-Paper-RPG-Alliance/events/279577460 I’ve been researching the best homebrew tweaks for 5e ran OSR style for awhile now since the covid lockdown. Given the subjective nature of fantasy RPG, this is a project that is always a work in progress that can never be completed, but I have some good sense from my research how it work and I’ll be providing details upon request. This is godsend https://slyflourish.com/returnofthelazydm/ and so is some material on my blog: https://rpgresourceroundtable.wordpress.com/blog/ I have at least 50 % + desire to be a GM and 50% to be a player. There’s at least 2 or 3 Gaming stores that seem to provide promising table space for an hour or 2 of Session 0 without the owner busting us for loitering, hopefully not interfering with their MagicTheGathering games. Session 0 could go on for many session 0’s just to communicate well, distribute the freebie pdf’s and stuff via thumbdrive, to get know those interested in starting a regular gaming group. Here’s some other possible locations for me other than Maurice Jacob’s park by the Picnic Tables down by the River (Chris Farley SNL “Van by the River Jokes” don’t apply I don’t own a van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv2VIEY9-A8 or live by the river now) : Edge of the World is the most conveniently located for me 1. https://www.facebook.com/Eotwg/ followed by 2. https://www.yelp.com/biz/addictive-behaviors-eugene-2 3. Fun Again Games https://funagain.com/ & 4. Evolution Gaming https://www.facebook.com/Evolution-Gaming-133075946732033/ 5. Downtown Eugene Library. 6. Maybe somewhere like Denny’s, IHOP, or Sheris or some fast food joint like MacDonald’s. 7. I live in a little apartment and where there’s a distinct possibility the Landlord may allow people to use their little conference room / meeting space for tenants, but I’m not sure. As far as I know, this page isn’t censored yet. I don’t know if its shadowbanned https://www.facebook.com/Eugene-Springfield-Dungeons-Dragons-Uncensored-101186188848346
Youtube Videos on the subject of Session 0’s